(+420) 222 242 342

The Way We Work

Naše hodnoty utvářejí firemní kulturu
a odrážejí se i do stylu jednání s klienty.

Since 2013, clients value Prochazka & Partners for our expertise in:

  • Offices – Controlling costs on behalf of our tenants (rent renegotiation or relocation).
  • Industrial – Assistance with warehouse expansion or with searching for a new brownfield site.
  • Design – Good interior design keeps your people happy and brings new talent to your business.
  • Build – Cost and construction management – as a general contractor or for specific jobs (tendering for individual trades, etc.).
  • Investment – Getting more value for owner-occupiers in the Offices and Industrial property segments.


Zastupujeme výhradně nájemce. Budeme vždy stát na vaší straně.

Our experience






billion Czech crowns from the pockets of our clients saved

Why you should join us



As part of client representation, we deliver significant savings in both rental costs and capex associated with fitting and refurbishment.



We are a team of experts business is to represent tenants - end users of real estate. We know all aspects of decision-making, we have a deep insight into the market, costs and prices.



With our many years of experience and knowledge of the commercial real estate market, we quickly and efficiently find cost-effective solutions which fits the needs of our clients. We handle challenging situations and pragmatically evaluate various options.



We are the only professional consultancy in the Czech market that exclusively represents tenants. We defend the interests of tenants and real estate users without fail and in all circumstances. We will always be on your side.



Our corporate values are Responsibility, Independence and Trust. Since we only represent commercial real estate users, not their owners, you can count on the fact that the solutions we propose are the best for you.


End-to-end service

We handle all commercial and technical matters in the interest and in line with the needs of your business, including contracting with third parties. So that you can stay focused on your business.

Who we are

Jsme přední poradenská společnost výhradně zaměřená na zastupování nájemců v oblasti komerčních nemovitostí. Tým odborníků z Prochazka & Partners poskytuje komerční a technické poradenství, aby každý klient byl schopen udělat plně informované rozhodnutí ohledně komerčních nemovitostí.

Naše znalosti a zkušenosti především pomáhají snižovat náklady a umožňují maximalizovat návratnost za investovaný kapitál.

Plánujete-li stěhování do nové budovy, bude-li vám končit nájemní smlouva nebo dokonce zvažujete koupi nové nemovitosti pro vaši centrálu a rozhodujete se jak dál, jsme tím pravým partnerem pro řešení vaší situace. Jsme připraveni Vám poskytnout naše služby a hájit vaše zájmy k zajištění cenově efektivního řešení pro vaši společnost.

Meet our team

Our 30-strong team at Prochazka & Partners consists of professionals from a number of fields who will help you with any needs in the field of commercial real estate.


„Since the founding of our company in 2013, we have helped hundreds of clients save billions of crowns in commercial property costs. We are specialists in the field of Offices, Industrial or Design & Build. We also successfully advise clients on investments in their own commercial properties. ”

Radek Procházka
Managing Partner

„With my 10 years of experience in the field of commercial real estate, I give advice to clients mainly in the field of office space but also industrial properties. My daily contact with C-level managers from leading corporations makes me focus on the financial aspect – saving the client’s costs, and lately I really like investment consulting.“

Petr Narwa
Head of Transaction & Consulting Services

„Quality office design should not be an end in itself. People should look forward to working, and good architecture undoubtedly helps. This is something I learned in my 10 years of designing office buildings and offices. I am glad that together with colleagues from Build and Offices we help clients have the work environment they have always dreamt of.“

Ondřej Michálek
Head of Architecture

„Dozens of construction projects that I managed during my 10-year career had a common denominator – perfect coordination of all suppliers and regular quality management with our architects from the Design team. This is the only way to deliver the finished work to clients on time, in the required quality and within the budget.“

Radek Vlček
Head of Project Management



Radek is the Managing Partner and Statutory Executive of Prochazka & Partners, which he founded as an independent consultancy for exclusive representation of tenants of commercial real estate. He is one of the highest authorities in the field of tenant representation in the Czech Republic and the CEE.

After seven years of collecting consultancy experience in the field of commercial real estate in international real estate companies, in 2013 Radek founded his own business which focuses exclusively on representing tenants of commercial properties. As Managing Partner, he focuses on the company’s most strategic clients and takes an active role in negotiating suitable solutions and managing projects. During his career so far, Radek has represented around 250 companies and a volume of over 550,000 m2 of commercial space, which he helped to save over CZK 3 billion.

Radek studied at the University of New York in Prague; after two years he left for the USA, where he later graduated in Finance from the University of San Francisco. He earned his MBA and London Business School.

Offices of the Year

O soutěži

Zaměření společnosti Prochazka & Partners na podporu kvalitního pracovního prostředí se zrcadlí v prestižní soutěži Kanceláře roku, která od roku 2016 pod vedením Radka Procházky, Managing Partnera společnosti Prochazka & Partners, každoročně oceňuje výjimečné kancelářské interiéry.

Cílem soutěže Kanceláře roku je odbornou porotou ohodnotit firmy, které investují do spokojenosti svých lidí skrze své prostory, a popularizovat je jako atraktivního zaměstnavatele. Naším cílem je, aby naši klienti byli vzorem v tomto směru pro ostatní společnosti. Slavnostní vyhlášení probíhá od roku 2019 během galavečera na Žofíně.

Více o soutěži Kanceláře roku

We will be happy to help you with your requirements in the field of commercial real estate